Friday 21 November 2008

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans...

As promised, this blog is going to be about a topic "everybody is interested in, like Global Warming or something." Global Warming it is then! (For the record, the title is from Wikipedia. I do not own the copyright for that explanation, nor did I originally write it. Don't sue me...)

Right, so the world is melting. Good news for the amphibious folk among us then, yeah? Unfortunately we 'regular' humans don't have gills or webbed feet (well, some people do, but generally we don't, do we?). This would probably cause a minor problem if we were submerged underwater for the rest of our lives. It would be like that film with Kevin Costner, Waterworld, where only a few people would survive and the world would be full of pirates and other sea-dwelling groups. But at least we'd have Mount Everest to live on, I'm sure all 6billion of the world's current inhabitants would be able to fit on there. It could be a bit of a squeeze, but yeah, I reckon we'd manage.

Changing the topic slightly, I've been told to be more 'controversial' in my blogs to get more people reading them (you see, already I'm getting 'requests'). One of the topics mentioned was the death penalty. Now, I don't have any real opinion on this matter, but I said I would talk about it, which I'm doing now I guess. Should we bring it back? I honestly don't know. Maybe we should 'get rid' of the proper big-time criminals (i.e. murderers, not people who have nicked a handbag off an old woman), and then there might be less crimes going around. But I think if we were to bring Capital Punishment back, then we should make it into a Saturday Night TV Gameshow. I can see it now. Jim Davidson would present it, and all these serial killers would have to do certain tasks, whilst wearing funny items of clothing (i.e. Hull FC shirts, ballerina outfits, that kind of thing), but in each task, whoever comes last gets killed in a 'funny' kind of way. I've not thought of any 'funny' deaths as yet, but any suggestions would be welcome.

So that's my prediction for the future. We'll all end up living on Everest (the mountain) like one big happy family whilst Jim Davidson went around whipping people to death with wet tea towels. It'd be fun. I'm actually looking forward to it now. Anyone up for house sharing?

1 comment:

samaxon2312 said...

Idea for a funny death: Be forced to watch the rovers team trying to write their own names. People would wet themselves to death :P

Can't wait for the gameshow!