Wednesday 19 November 2008

In the beginning...

Right, hello and welcome to my newly-established blog. I thought I should start doing something comparatively productive with my spare time, and since I'm doing Journalism at Uni, blogging seemed the easy road to go down. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading them as much as I'll hopefully enjoy writing them (I'm using 'you' on the basis that someone is actually reading this by the way...).

Although I may sound fairly confident and professional (ahem...), this is actually the first blog I've ever written; I'm a blog virgin, you could say. However I think I've learnt some vital skills from probably the best (and only) blogger I know; my good friend, Sam Axon. His blogs on MySpace gave me endless laughter, and I hope one day to be as good as him. Incidentally, I managed to persuade him to 'come out of blogging retirement', so to speak, and he's writing his own blog on this very site as I am typing this! I use the word 'persuade' pretty loosely; it didn't really take much persuasion; I basically linked him to this website and said, "You should start blogging again" and he said "OK".

So yeah, I'm not exactly sure what else to talk about in this introductory blog, so I think I'm just gonna 'wrap it up', as they say in the business (apparently). I'll be back soon with more, ciao for now!

1 comment:

samaxon2312 said...

I'm reading Al, added you to my favourites ;)