Monday 24 November 2008

The Clichéd Winter Blog

OK, I know what you're all thinking; "Where has Alex been for the past 3 days?! Why hasn't he written a blog?! Doesn't he know that some people thrive off knowing his daily thoughts and feelings?!" To answer all these questions in one sentence, I've been in Lincoln for the past 3 days, I haven't written a blog because I've had no motivation and nothing interesting has happened in my life since the last one, and yes I appreciate the fact that people want to know my thoughts and feelings but there's no point writing just for the sake of it. Phew! Glad I cleared that up.

(Note: I sincerely hope there isn't anyone out there who has been thinking any of these things. That would just be weird...)

So back to this blog. It's winter now, well almost anyway, but it's still bloody cold! I'm sat here in my room typing this, and I can't feel my right hand (my "mouse hand". I've been sitting on my comparatively useless left hand to keep it warm). I've also just realised that I've got my window wide open and my radiator isn't on. Well, I say "wide open"; the windows at Uni only open about three inches. We haven't had snow here unfortunately. Everywhere except Lincoln it seems. Typical.

One thing that is good about Uni is that there isn't hundreds of little kids running around with snowballs like there was at school. Don't get me wrong, I like a good old-fashioned snowball fight as much as the next guy, but there's a time and a place isn't there. I didn't mind getting hit with snowballs, as long as I was expecting it. I hated being caught unawares by them though. I must say at this point that I was going to tell you about the time I got hit by an ice ball in my French class at school, which would back up my point about being hit unexpectedly, but then I realised that it wasn't me who got hit, it was someone else. Incidentally, and also a bit off-topic, I once got hit on my head by a flying piece of pottery, also in my French class. Ahh, the good old days...

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