Thursday 20 November 2008

Meet Karl

For the past week or so, I've been addicted to listening to three men talking to each other about topics so random that even Mystic Meg wouldn't be able to predict what they're going to come out with next. The three men in question are Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington.

I was introducted to the trio by Loz, who has been listening to their various radio shows and podcasts for a while, and I'd noticed this. He sent me one of their 'special' one-off shows, for NME Radio, and I literally laughed out loud (LOL'd) at it. Saying that, I still 'LOL' at it now, even though I must've listened to that particular show about five times already.

More or less everyone in Britain must know who Ricky Gervais is by now. You know, he's that fat guy who dances funny, that's him. Stephen Merchant is also fairly famous. He's the tall one with glasses, off 'Extras'. Yeah, you know the one. Anyway, so these two are pretty famous and worked on a radio show for XFM a few years ago. After 'The Office', which they both wrote together, they went back to XFM "as conquering heroes" and basically couldn't be bothered to run the desk, or push any buttons. This is where Karl Pilkington comes in...

Karl is known 'affectionately' as the "little bald Manc t**t" or "the shaven monkey with a head like a f***ing orange". Thing is though, despite his abnormal, completely spherical shaped head and his lack of intelligence, Karl is actually one of the most unwittingly funny people you will ever come across. I don't think there is much more I can say about him to be honest, but I definitely think you should YouTube him or go on to download some of the radio shows.

Anyway, I'm going to leave it there now. This blog topic seemed like a good idea to start with, but it kind of turned into a mini-biography or review. Sorry. But yeah, I just had to 'spread the word' further, and share my enjoyment with you lot, that's all. I promise the next blog will definitely be about a topic everybody is interested in, like Global Warming or something.

See you all soon!

P.S. Don't worry, I'm not going to write about Global Warming, unless between now and my next blog, the Polar Ice-Caps completely melt, which I completely doubt...

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