Friday 6 February 2009

There's snow place like home!

Firstly, please excuse the terrible pun in the title. I just couldn't resist. So yes, this week's news has revolved around the adverse weather conditions we've had, with the majority of the country getting at least a light covering of the white stuff (that's snow, not milk). Personally, I'm not too keen on it though. I used to love it, but since I've got older, the novelty of it has worn off and now it's just annoying and causes havoc. Don't get me wrong, I used to like a good old-fashioned snowball fight as much as the next young whippersnapper, but not so much nowadays.

Incidentally, "whippersnapper" is a word I've never actually had to spell, and I actually had to Google it, just to check that I'd got it right. On the subject of words I've never had to spell, "Jiminy", the name of the anthropomorphic Cricket from 'Pinnochio', is another. Nobody is called "Jiminy" though. I mean, you hear about all these babies called "Jack" or "Thomas" or "Stan", but never "Jiminy". It's strange really; some names just never come back into fashion, although it's debatable that "Jiminy" was ever in fashion in the first place.

Going back to the snow, I remember once building an igloo in my back garden with a few friends. It really was amazing, and I definitely recommend the activity to you if it happens to snow again in the near future. All you need is one or two ice-cream boxes, plenty of snow, some good friends, determination and the will to succeed. Sorry for sounding like a cross between Winston Churchill and Neil Buchanan there by the way. So anyway, simply fill the ice-cream boxes up with snow and use them like bricks. It's fairly straightforward.

Once again I seemed to have gone off on a tangent, but to be fair I didn't really have a particular discourse in mind when I started writing this post. It could've been solely about snow, so count yourself lucky that I expressed my views on the name "Jiminy". Have fun building igloos, which I'm sure you will do, and I will be back sometime in the near future with another thrilling installment.
